If you have a question in regards to my character top 100s, my regional rankings or my seeding algorithm/global top 10k seeding algo ranking, I have writeups all about those with accompanying FAQs.
Seeding Algo:
Regional Rankings:
Character Top 100s:

Character Data Corrections

If you're looking to correct wrong/missing/incomplete character data, you can fill out this form:


I don't update a player's tag unless you've had it for 3+ months, but if you made a permanent tag change recently, I can change it immediately if you fill out this form:

Banned Players

If you're looking to report a globally banned player on my stats stuff, make sure they're on the CSRP list. Here is their discord: I remove all globally banned players in their database from my stats stuff.
Here's a link to my banned players database:

Alt/Multiple Accounts

If you have multiple accounts or notice someone with multiple accounts that should be combined, fill out this form

Past the top 100/10k

If you're looking to see the past the top 100 on the regional rankings or character top 100s, or past 10,000 on the global rankings, that's a perk on my patreon

Getting a ranking for your region

If you're looking to request a ranking for your region, that's also a perk on my patreon(which you can redeem via discord or patreon dm)


If you're looking to give feedback on any of my stats content, it's much appreciated and will be read and strongly considered. You can do so here:

About Me

Since 2021, I've been working with algorithmic rankings and other smash stats in my spare time because I find it really interesting and other people usually do too!

I earned my Bachelor's in Computer Science at UCSD(top 3 in computer science in the US!) in June 2024. I'm currently pursuing my master's in Computer Science from UCSD and will finish in December 2025.

I'm a part of the awesome Esports varsity team and program at UCSD and have been for 2 years. I've also been an active competitor since January 2020 attending 11 majors in the US and Japan and many socal locals and regionals with wins on Monte, Marvelous_Marco, Quinn, DD and a handful of SoCal PR players and out of region PR players. Since Fall 2023, I've taken a step back from competing because my brain wants to focus on stats stuff, school and launching my career.

I am one of eight panelists on the SoCal Power Rankings Council and member of the San Diego Power Ranking Council and mostly provide data for them and help make ranking decisions.

AC, $$$(aka sol) and I made a website that seeds tournaments for you: Tell your local TO about it and tell them to follow the Smashbase twitter(@Smashbasegg) and join the smashbase discord to stay updated!(both are different from SchuStats)

While you're at it, follow AC (@VamosAhCe), $$$ (@solaries_), and Me (@SchuStats)!


To get extended rankings, custom rankings
or just to support my hard work 😊

Follow me!

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